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ISO 18537:2015

Traceability of crustacean products — Specifications on the information to be recorded in captured crustacean distribution chains

Oct 8, 2015

General information

90.93     Mar 4, 2020


ISO/TC 234

International Standard


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ISO 18537:2015 specifies the information to be recorded in wild-caught crustacean supply chains in order to establish the traceability of products originating from wild-caught crustacean. It specifies how crustacean products traded are to be identified and the information to be generated and held on those products by each of the food businesses that physically trade them through the distribution chains. It is specific to the distribution for human consumption of crustacean and their products, from wild-caught through to retailers or caterers.
The types of businesses identified in this International Standard for wild-caught crustacean distribution chains are:
- capture operators;
- landing businesses and first sale;
- processors;
- transporters and store operators;
- traders and wholesalers;
- retailers and caterers;
- logistics including materials brought from other domains.
Any given crustacean distribution chain may be made up of some or all of the above components but not necessarily in the sequence listed.

Life cycle


ISO 18537:2015
90.93 Standard confirmed
Mar 4, 2020

National adoptions

Traceability of crustacean products — Specifications on the information to be recorded in captured crustacean distribution chains

60.60 Standard published


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