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ISO/NP TS 24226

ISO/TS 24266, Medical devices — Guidance on the evaluation and acceptance of patient provided medical equipment within the clinical environment

General information

10.60     Feb 11, 2023


ISO/TC 121/SC 3

Technical Specification


This document considers and identifies the risks associated with allowing a patient to use their personal ME equipment within a professional healthcare facility and provides guidance on the tests and inspections needed for the responsible organization to be able assess and control those risks.
Often times patients require the use of their personal ME equipment (e.g., sleep apnoea therapy breathing equipment, ventilatory support ME equipment, ventilators, infusion pumps, peritoneal equipment, sphygmomanometers, glucometers, stimulators, etc.) when admitted into a professional healthcare facility. The use of the personal ME equipment can be unrelated to the purpose of the professional healthcare facility admittance but is nonetheless necessary to allow the patient to manage their health while admitted.
The intent of this document is to provide guidance to ensure that the personal ME equipment is safe to use for the patient, professional healthcare facility and environment.

Life cycle


ISO/NP TS 24226
10.60 Close of voting
Feb 11, 2023


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