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ISO/PWI 13974

Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Control Protocol for Radio Frequency Directional Signal Transmission (RF-DST)

General information

00.60     Oct 17, 2022



International Standard


This standard specifies a TDD communication-based control technology for RF directional wireless signal transmission. This standard defines communication connection between STU and SRU using the legacy communication module in the ISM band (i.e., ISM communication frequency domain such as 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz), and also message formats for wireless signal transmission control. It additionally defines the simultaneous use of wireless signal transmission control through STU/SRU beacon exchange based on TDD communication that uses the ISM frequency domain. It also summarizes the overall scenario for directional wireless signal transmission control, GDP slot allocation in the TDD method, timing diagram information, and priority calculation. Lastly, it presents the basic principle and circuit structure for transmitting aggregated signal. The technology proposed in this standard can be applied to application service fields such as IoT, micro sensor industry and environmental monitoring related industry.
This standard describes four features as followings.

1. Expansion of wireless coverage and reduction of shadow areas
2. Wireless speed improvement
3. Supports more stable connection such as voice/video contents
4. Reduction of unnecessary RF interference

And Part 1: RF-DST Model and Requirement describes following items

1. Definition of RF-DST
2. General requirement of RF-DST
3. Functional requirement of RF-DST

And Part 2: Protocol describes following items

1. Data Exchange Format

Life cycle


ISO/PWI 13974
00.60 Close of review
Oct 17, 2022


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