00.60 Jul 13, 2021
ISO/TC 23/SC 19
International Standard
This proposal is the second of three separate, but linked, proposals. The deliverable consists of documentation that defines the processes and models for data exchange in agricultural irrigation. The scope of the set of three proposals is based on two major irrigation data processes:
1. Observations: The field, atmospheric, plant, or other in situ measurements that apply to irrigation management. This includes weather stations, soil moisture sensors, or crop-related sensing. This work is an agricultural implementation of the ISO 19156:2011 standard for observations and measurements.
2. Operations: All of the activities associated with the application of water with an irrigation system. This includes, but is not restricted to, management-level communications and record keeping. The operations data set is based around a Recommendation, which describes a suggested course of action; a Work Order, which describes a desired course of action; and a Work Record, which describes what actually happened. This work is based on, and extends, the ISO11783-10:2015 standard for communications between agricultural machinery and FMIS.
Deliverables for this particular proposed part of the standard focus on observations, as described above. The standard facilitates the exchange of weather, soil moisture, and other relevant data, currently stored in a variety of proprietary original equipment manufacturer (OEM) formats, in an industry-wide format that can be used by irrigation data analysis and prescription programs. It presents an object model and reference XML serialization schema to represent observations and measurements of relevance to agriculture in general, and irrigation in particular. It also includes mechanisms for representing the semantics of an observation (feature of interest, observed property, observation, sampling, and aggregation methods, etc.) in a level of detail appropriate for a problem at hand.
The proposal does not define how to generate irrigation (or any other field operation) prescriptions, based on the observations and measurements gathered.
ISO/PWI 7673-2
Close of review
Jul 13, 2021
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