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ISO/TR 10300-32:2021

Calculation of load capacity of bevel gears — Part 32: ISO rating system for bevel and hypoid gears — Sample calculation for scuffing load capacity

Apr 7, 2021

General information

60.60     Apr 7, 2021


ISO/TC 60/SC 2

Technical Report





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This document provides calculation examples for different bevel gear designs regarding the scuffing load capacity according to ISO/TS 10300-20. The initial geometry data of the gear necessary for these calculations are in accordance with ISO 23509.
The term "bevel gear" is used to mean straight, helical (skew), spiral bevel, zerol and hypoid gear designs. Where this document pertains to one or more, but not all, the specific forms are identified.
The formulae in this document are based on virtual cylindrical gears and restricted to bevel gears whose virtual cylindrical gears have transverse contact ratios of εvα < 2. The results are valid within the range of the applied factors as specified in ISO 10300‑1 (see ISO 6336‑2). Additionally, the given relations are valid for bevel gears of which the sum of profile shift coefficients of pinion and wheel is zero (see ISO 23509).

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ISO/TR 10300-32:2021
60.60 Standard published
Apr 7, 2021


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