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ISO/NP 18436-9

Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics of Machine Systems — Requirements for certification of personnel — Part 9: Optical Gas Imaging

General information

10.20     Dec 9, 2022


ISO/TC 108/SC 5

International Standard


This document reflects on the qualification of personnel performing Optical Gas Imaging (OGI) for fugitive emissions. The intention is to add a sub-category to ISO 18436 for this specific purpose as OGI requires a set of skills that is different than the traditional infrared condition monitoring. The skill set includes many similarities between traditional condition monitoring, such as system and component knowledge, but differs in that the user must recognize the conditions for successful gas imaging. Knowledge of Chemistry is essential as well as detector Physics to determine the proper wavelength instrument.

The document is intended for end users, contractors, consultants, service providers and manufacturers.

Life cycle


ISO/NP 18436-9
10.20 New project ballot initiated
Dec 9, 2022


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