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ISO 13184-3:2017

Intelligent transport systems (ITS) — Guidance protocol via personal ITS station for advisory safety systems — Part 3: Road guidance protocol (RGP) conformance test specification

Nov 30, 2017

General information

90.60     Mar 5, 2023


ISO/TC 204

International Standard

03.220.01     35.240.60  




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ISO 13184-3:2017 specifies conformance tests for a self-conformance assessment of the supplier's P-ITS-S system. The conformance test cases follow the use case definition of ISO/TR 13184‑1 and the requirements stated in ISO 13184‑2 based on the Data eXchange Message (DXM) at the application level regarding the safety warning and parking guide services between
- the Vehicle ITS Station (V-ITS-S) installed in the vehicle, or
- a Personal ITS Station (P-ITS-S), e.g. Nomadic Device, in a vehicle or used by a pedestrian, and
- a Roadside ITS Station (R-ITS-S) installed at the roadside.
The primary but not exclusive purpose of this document is to provide information to the P-ITS-S system provider to build and test the P-ITS-S system against the conformance test cases. This final step in the development process of the P-ITS-S system ensures providers that their P-ITS-S system meets a high degree of functional requirements expected by the end user.

Life cycle


ISO 13184-3:2017
90.60 Close of review
Mar 5, 2023


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