The aim of ISO 16354:2013 is to distinguish categories of knowledge libraries and to lay the foundation for uniform structures and content of such knowledge libraries and for commonality in their usage. By drawing up a number of guidelines, a guiding principle is provided for new libraries as well as for upgrading existing libraries. Without these guidelines there is an undesirable amount of freedom, so that the various libraries may become too heterogeneous. This would render the comparison, linking and integrated usage of these libraries very complex, if not impossible.
The objective of ISO 16354:2013 is to categorize knowledge libraries and object libraries and to provide recommendations for the creation of such libraries. Libraries that are compliant with the guidelines of ISO 16354:2013 may be more easily linked to, or integrated with other libraries.
The target audience of ISO 16354:2013 consists of developers of knowledge libraries, builders of translation software or interfaces between knowledge libraries, certifying bodies and builders of applications who must base their work on the knowledge libraries laid down.
ISO 16354:2013
Standard confirmed
Sep 20, 2018
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