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ISO 10360-9:2013

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring systems (CMS) — Part 9: CMMs with multiple probing systems

Nov 28, 2013

General information

90.93     Jun 19, 2019


ISO/TC 213

International Standard


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ISO 10360-9:2013 specifies procedures for testing the performance of coordinate measuring machines of various designs that use multiple probing systems in contacting and non-contacting mode. It applies to acceptance tests for verifying the performance of a CMM and its probes as stated by the manufacturer;reverification tests performed by the user for periodical checking of the CMM and its probes; interim checks performed by the user for monitoring the CMM and its probes in between reverification tests.
It considers CMMs of single ram designs as well as multiple ram designs with small or with large overlapping measuring volume. It applies to multiple probing systems consisting of different types of probes (such as an imaging probe combined with a contacting probe, or two contacting probes of different individual performance).
The tests described are sensitive to many errors attributable to both the CMM and the probing systems; they supplement the length measurement tests and the individual probing error tests of each probing system. The length measurement tests, as well as the individual probing error tests (for example, ISO 10360-5, ISO 10360-7, or ISO 10360-8), should be performed before executing the procedures in ISO 10360-9:2013.

Life cycle


ISO 10360-9:2013
90.93 Standard confirmed
Jun 19, 2019


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