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ISO 11504:2012

Soil quality — Assessment of impact from soil contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons

95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   Aug 28, 2017

General information

95.99     Aug 28, 2017


ISO/TC 190/SC 7

International Standard



ISO 11504:2012 gives recommendations with regard to the choice of fractions and individual compounds when carrying out analysis for petroleum hydrocarbons in soils, soil materials and related materials, including sediments, for the purpose of assessing risks to human health, the environment and other possible receptors. Since many products based on petroleum hydrocarbons often contain substances that are not hydrocarbons, the recommendations also encompass such compounds where relevant.
ISO 11504:2012 also includes relevant background information on which the recommendations are based together with guidance on the use of the fractions recommended in the assessment of risk.
ISO 11504:2012 does not set criteria or guidelines for use as assessment criteria, since this is typically a national or regional regulatory issue. This International Standard also does not include recommendations as to the specific model for the exposure assessment or the specific parameter values to be used; with respect to guidance on this matter, reference is made to ISO 15800.

Life cycle


ISO 11504:2012
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
Aug 28, 2017


ISO 11504:2017


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