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ISO 26802:2010

Nuclear facilities — Criteria for the design and the operation of containment and ventilation systems for nuclear reactors

Jul 15, 2010

General information

90.93     Jul 21, 2021


ISO/TC 85/SC 2

International Standard


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ISO 26802:2010 specifies the applicable requirements related to the design and the operation of containment and ventilation systems of nuclear power plants and research reactors taking into account the following.
For nuclear power plants, ISO 26802:2010 addresses only reactors that have a secondary confinement system based on IAEA recommendations.
For research reactors, ISO 26802:2010 applies specifically to reactors for which accidental situations can challenge the integrity or leak-tightness of the containment barrier, i.e. in which a high-pressure or -temperature transient can occur and for which the isolation of the containment building and the shut-off of the associated ventilation systems of the containment building is required.
The requirements of ISO 26802:2010 apply to research reactors in which the increase of pressure or temperature during accidental situations do not risk damaging the ventilation systems, although the requirements applicable for the design and the use of ventilation systems are given in ISO 17873.

Life cycle


ISO 26802:2010
90.93 Standard confirmed
Jul 21, 2021


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