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ISO/PWI TS 19176-1

Geographic information — Analysis ready data — Part 1: Framework and fundamentals

General information

10.00     Feb 27, 2023


ISO/TC 211

Technical Specification


This ISO 191XX series specify threshold and target requirements on quality, metadata, data organization, and pre-processes applied to geospatial data, including Earth observing remote sensing data, in order for the data to be qualified as analysis ready data (ARD). The ISO 191XX series will be based upon the concepts of other International Standards in the ISO 19100 family of standards. Analysis Ready Data means geospatial data that have been processed to a minimum set of requirements and organized into a form that allows immediate analysis with a minimum of additional user effort and interoperability both through time and with other datasets.

Part 1 defines the ARD concept, terminology, and data class hierarchy and addresses the overall framework and common ARD requirements on quality, metadata, pre-processes, and data organization.
Subsequent parts will define the specific ARD requirements on specific data classes, such as remote sensing data and thematic geospatial products intended for land, ocean, and atmospheric applications, as well as for model outputs and online ARD services.

This document is intended for use by data producers, data providers, service providers and potential users of data products.

Life cycle


ISO/PWI TS 19176-1
10.00 Proposal for new project registered
Feb 27, 2023


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