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ISO 13002:1998

Carbon fibre — Designation system for filament yarns

Nov 12, 1998

General information

90.93     Aug 6, 2020


ISO/TC 61/SC 13

International Standard


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1.1 This International Standard establishes a system of designation for filament yarns of carbon fibre which may be used as the basis for specifications.

1.2 This designation system is applicable to filament yarns used for the reinforcement of polymer composites.
It does not apply to discontinuous fibre products pyrolized in the form of staple yarns, woven fabrics, braids, knits,
mats, etc.

1.3 The types of filament yarns are differentiated from each other by a classification system based on appropriate levels of the designatory properties:
a) tensile modulus of elasticity;
b) tensile strength;
c) linear density.

1.4 It is not intended to imply that materials having the same designation give the same performance. This International Standard does not provide engineering data, performance data or data on processing conditions which may be required to specify a material for a particular application and/or method of processing.

1.5 In order to specify a filament yarn for a particular application or to ensure reproducible processing, additional
requirements may be given in data block 3 (see clause 3).

Life cycle


ISO 13002:1998
90.93 Standard confirmed
Aug 6, 2020


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