Phone: +1 758-453-0049
Bisee, Saint Lucia LC04301


Below is a listing of projects past and present carried out by the Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards.

Hydraulic fluid power – Interpolation method for particle count and filter test data

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 131/SC 6 more

Hydraulic fluid power — Background, impact and use of ISO 11171:2020 on particle count and filter test data

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 131/SC 6 more

Energy performance of buildings — Overarching EPB assessment — Part 2: Explanation and justification of ISO 52000-1

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 163 more

Energy performance of buildings — Indicators, requirements, ratings and certificates — Part 2: Explanation and justification of ISO 52003-1

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 163 more

Energy performance of buildings - External climatic conditions — Part 2: Explanation and justification of ISO 52010-1

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 163/SC 2 more

Energy performance of buildings — Energy needs for heating and cooling, internal temperatures and sensible and latent heat loads — Part 2: Explanation and justification of ISO 52016-1 and ISO 52017-1

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 163/SC 2 more

Energy performance of buildings — Indicators for partial EPB requirements related to thermal energy balance and fabric features — Part 2: Explanation and justification of ISO 52018-1

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 163/SC 2 more

Energy performance of buildings — Hygrothermal performance of building components and building elements — Part 2: Explanation and justification

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 163/SC 2 more

Energy performance of buildings — Thermal, solar and daylight properties of building components and elements — Part 2: Explanation and justification

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 163/SC 2 more

Energy performance of buildings — Contribution of building automation, controls and building management — Part 2: Explanation and justification of ISO 52120-1

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 205 more

Energy performance of buildings — Building automation, controls and building management — Part 2: Explanation and justification of ISO 52127-1

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 205 more

Intelligent transport systems — Low-speed automated driving system (LSADS) service — Part 2: Gap analysis

60.00 Standard under publication

ISO/TC 204 more

Solid fertilizers — Derivation of a sampling plan for the evaluation of a large delivery

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 134 more

Innovation Management Assessment — Guidance

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 279 more

Paints and varnishes — Determination of volatile organic compound (VOC) and/or semi-volatile organic compound (SVOC) content — Best practices for the selection of test methods

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 35/SC 16 more

Sources of error in the use of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for the investigation of coatings and other materials

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 35/SC 9 more

Evaluation of physical parameters of filter paper substrates for the determination of the ignition propensity of cigarettes

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 92/SC 1 more

Weldability — Metallic materials — General principles

90.93 Standard confirmed

ISO/TC 44/SC 7 more