Phone: +1 758-453-0049
Bisee, Saint Lucia LC04301


Below is a listing of projects past and present carried out by the Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards.

Graphic technology — Image quality evaluation methods for printed matter — Part 21: Measurement of 1D distortions of macroscopic uniformity utilizing scanning spectrophotometers

50.20 Proof sent to secretariat or FDIS ballot initiated: 8 weeks

ISO/TC 130 more

Road vehicles — Design and performance specifications for advanced Pedestrian Legform Impactor (aPLI)

50.00 Final text received or FDIS registered for formal approval

ISO/TC 22/SC 36 more

Road vehicles — Injury risk functions for advanced pedestrian legform impactor (aPLI)

50.20 Proof sent to secretariat or FDIS ballot initiated: 8 weeks

ISO/TC 22/SC 36 more

Genomics Informatics —Clinical genomics data sharing specification for next generation sequencing

50.00 Final text received or FDIS registered for formal approval

ISO/TC 215/SC 1 more

Nanotechnologies — Performance evaluation requirements for quantifying biomolecules using fluorescent nanoparticles in immunohistochemistry

50.20 Proof sent to secretariat or FDIS ballot initiated: 8 weeks

ISO/TC 229 more

Security aspects for digital currencies

50.00 Final text received or FDIS registered for formal approval

ISO/TC 68/SC 2 more

Petroleum and related products from natural or synthetic sources — Determination of pour point — Part 1: Automated step-wise cooling method

50.00 Final text received or FDIS registered for formal approval

ISO/TC 28 more

Fine bubble technology — Environmental applications — Part 1: Inspection method using online particle counter in dissolved air flotation (DAF) plant

50.20 Proof sent to secretariat or FDIS ballot initiated: 8 weeks

ISO/TC 281 more

Dentistry — Test methods for tensile bond strength to tooth structure

50.00 Final text received or FDIS registered for formal approval

ISO/TC 106/SC 1 more

Intelligent transport systems — Parking — Part 1: Core data model

50.20 Proof sent to secretariat or FDIS ballot initiated: 8 weeks

ISO/TC 204 more

Water quality — Guidance and requirements for designing an interlaboratory trial for validation of analytical methods

50.00 Final text received or FDIS registered for formal approval

ISO/TC 147/SC 2 more

Guidelines for the selection of quality management system consultants and use of their services

00.00 Proposal for new project received

ISO/TC 176/SC 3 more

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Drawing indications for moulded parts in technical product documentation (TPD)

00.00 Proposal for new project received

ISO/TC 213 more

Technical product documentation — Vocabulary — Terms relating to technical drawings, product definition and related documentation

00.00 Proposal for new project received

ISO/TC 10 more

Cranes — Limiting and indicating devices — Part 4: Jib cranes

00.00 Proposal for new project received

ISO/TC 96/SC 8 more

Copper, lead, zinc and nickel concentrates — Determination of mass loss of bulk material on drying

00.20 Proposal for new project under review

ISO/TC 183 more

Dentistry — Corrosion test methods for metallic materials

00.00 Proposal for new project received

ISO/TC 106/SC 2 more

Geosynthetics — Part 1: Terms and definitions

00.00 Proposal for new project received

ISO/TC 221 more